Friday 9 December 2016

St Kent's Day - by Solomone

It was a Friday morning like every Friday morning but then it was St Kent's day! When St Kent's came we had to be split into groups and go with two St Kent's boy and girl. When we we got organized we went to some activities the St Kent's made. I went to soccer first! It was amazing. I really had fun and enjoyed it so much but my team lost but at least I got to participate in it. After that my team got split up. I got to stay playing soccer. It was fun. After that game the other team won! After soccer the bell rang for morning tea. When morning tea was finish my team went to the music room and we played some music. After that we moved to the library and played some board games get it board games. I played chess and I won 3 games. I beat Popi, Mary and Brazie. Then I vs a St Kent boy. He won and I said good game and we shook hands. After that we moved to Zumba. It was cool we learned new dance moves. After that the bell rang and it was lunch time. St Kent's People made us some Sizzle sausages! After lunch time it was Culture groups and some of the St Kent's people came and watched us practice.

And that's what we did for St Kent's day!

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